مطالعه رابطه میان رضایتمندی ساکنان از محیط زندگی و میزان حس تعلق آنها در مجتمع مسکونی بلند مرتبه شهرک کوثر تهران

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 کارشناسی ارشد برنامه ریزی شهری، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد قزوین

2 استادیار دانشکده هنر ومعماری، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد تهران مرکز


بسیاری از محققان معتقدند‌ که یکی ‌از اثرات زندگی‌ در مجموعه‌هایی با تراکم بالای جمعیت و کیفیت نامطلوب محیطی،‌ ضعیف­شدن پیوندهای اجتماعی بین ساکنین است که خود زمینه‌ساز کاهش ارتباطات پایدار، عدم‌مشارکت،کاهش حس‌تعلق و زوال‌تدریجی این مجموعه‌ها می­گردد. این مساله پژوهش حاضر را برآن داشت تا به تبیین ارتباط بین معیارهای کیفیت ‌محیط بر حس‌تعلق در مجتمع‌های‌ مسکونی ‌بلندمرتبه بپردازد. بدین‌منظور رویکردهای متنوع کیفیت محیط، معیارهای کیفیت محیطی و نظریات تعلق‌مکانی مورد بررسی قرار‌گرفتند. شهرک‌کوثر تهران به دلیل وجود بلوک‌های بلندمرتبه و ویژگی­های فرهنگی اجتماعی ساکنین به عنوان نمونه موردی پژوهش انتخاب و داده‌های مورد نیاز از طریق پرسشنامه گردآوری‌گردید. پس‌از انجام تحلیل‌عاملی‌تاییدی، هشت عامل مدیریت ‌شهرک، تسهیلات ‌و‌ خدمات، امنیت ‌و ایمنی، متغیرهای محیطی، تسهیلات محیط‌ مسکونی، هزینه‌ها و حس‌تعلق به عنوان معیارهای کیفیت‌ محیط در این مجموعه‌ها استخراج گردیدند. همچنین حس‌تعلق با ارزیابی معیارهای شرکت در فعالیت­های اجتماعی، ملاقات ‌با‌ همسایگان، وجود خاطرات‌ و‌ مکان­های‌ ماندگار، فعالیت‌های ‌گروهی و نحوه مشارکت‌ در‌ بهبود محیط زندگی تعیین‌شد و نتایج‌حاصله نشان‌داد که این‌ شهرک از لحاظ کیفیت‌محیط و میزان‌ حس‌تعلق در وضعیت خوب قرار دارد. همچنین تبیین ارتباط بین معیارهای‌کیفیت ‌محیط و حس‌تعلق مشخص کرد که میزان رضایت از معیار مدیریت‌ شهرک بیشترین تاثیر را بر افزایش رضایتمندی و به‌دنبال آن حس‌تعلق دارد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Study of Relationship Between Residents Satisfaction from Living Environment and their Attachment Sense In Kowsar High-Rise Residential Complex

نویسندگان [English]

  • Atiyeh Bahrampour 1
  • Atoosa Modiri 2
چکیده [English]

Recently, increased growth of the population and insufficiency of infrastructures have expedited vertical development of cities, with the outcome of which being residence in such High-Rise  complexes and creation of spiritless, dull masses which lack the prerequisites of making a permanent relationship with their residents, provoke high-level alienations, and dilute one’s attachment to his/her living environment. Whatever in the planning and design of residential complexes what has received little attention, is the principles and criteria for environmental quality and its impact on citizens' positive assessment on the status of their homes. Outcome of this neglect, was the formation of large masses of cold and bland buildings which lack the necessary conditions for a lasting relationship with its inhabitants and reduce the sense of attachment to their environment.  On the other hand, attachment sense is key factor in creating sustainable urban spaces, creating a sense of identity and participation and social interaction.  The aim of this study is to explain the relationship between quality criteria of residential environment and sense of attachment in high-rise residential complexes. So, we tried to explain the relationship of these criteria with residents' attachment sense by identifying quality criteria of living environment in the high-rise complexes. Therefore, an investigation of different approaches to living environment quality was carried out in order to identify environment quality criteria in high-Rise Residential complexes.  By examining various, environmental quality criteria in high-rise residential complexes have been studied, and these criteria were presented in two levels of complex environment quality and residential environment quality due to the nature of High-Rise residential complexes. Consequently, in order to achieve the objectives of the research, theories of belonging to place were examined. Tehran-based Kowsar Township was evaluated as possessing High-Rise residential complex in order to affirm theoretical fundamentals of the research, and by distributing 380 questionnaires, the required data was collected. After Confirmatory factor analysis on the data, environment quality of township was calculated and determined that residential environment quality in Kowsar Township is in good condition. Then, 8 factors with Eigenvector more than 1 was extracted. after naming them, the factors 'town management , facilities and services, environmental variables , security and safety, residential environment facilities , costs and attachment sense' as criteria of residential environment quality in high-rise residential complexes were determined, and the model obtained was confirmed by theoretical foundations. Also attachment sense of residents determined and shown that is in good condition. In addition, the relationship between criteria obtained and the attachment sense were studied with Pearson correlation coefficients, this indicates that an increase in satisfaction from the quality of the environment of residents living in high-rise residential complex habitat may also increase their sense of belonging. Pearson correlation coefficient also showed that all the criteria of residential environment in the High-rise residential complexes have a significant effect on the attachment sense of residents, and it was shown that among them, the management of the town has the most impact on the attachment sense of residents of high-rise residential complexes.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Quality of Living Environment
  • Residential satisfaction
  • Criteria of Residential Environment
  • High-Rise Residential Complex
  • place attachment
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