الگوی فضاهای نیمه‌بازِ خانه‌های بومی دزفول، بوشهر و بندرلنگه در ارتباط با مولفه‌های اقلیم محلی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


استادیار دانشکده هنر و معماری، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد تهران جنوب، تهران، ایران


حاشیه جنوبی ایران دارای یکی از بحرانی‌ترین اقلیم‌های جهان بوده و لذا توجه به مولفه‌های اقلیمی در فرآیند طراحی خانه‌ها در این منطقه ضروری است. فضاهای باز و نیمه‌باز از عوامل موثر در شکل دادن به الگوهای اقلیمی خانه‏های بومی و بکارگیری این الگوها در طراحی مسکن معاصر این اقلیم، می‌تواند سبب ارتقای سطح آسایش حرارتی شود. این مقاله با تطابق ویژگی‌های فضاهای نیمه‌باز خانه‌های بومی در بندرلنگه، بوشهر و دزفول، با مشخصات اقلیم محلی این مناطق، ضمن معرفی الگوهای فضاهای باز و نیمه‌باز در آنها؛ تناسب و تاثرپذیری الگوها را از اقلیم میانه و محلی بررسی می‏کند. این مقاله دارای هدفی کاربردی و راهبرد آن در مرحله تحلیل و استنتاج کیفی و از طریق نظریه داده‏بنیاد بوده و با روش تصویرسازی انجام می­شود. گردآوری داده‏ها در دو بخش مطالعه کتابخانه‌ای و تحلیل اسناد خانه‌های بومی انجام شده‌است. تطابق مشخصه‏های بدست‏آمده از کدگذاری نمونه‏ها با مولفه‏های اقلیم میانه و محلی مناطق مورد بررسی نشان می‏دهد که ویژگی‏ها و الگوهای فضاهای باز و نیمه‏باز در خانه‏های مورد مطالعه در دزفول، بندرلنگه و بوشهر با مولفه‏های اقلیمی هر شهر منطبق و بر اساس تفاوت در مولفه­های اقلیمی در مقیاس میانه و محلی، در الگوهای مورد بحث تفاوت‏هایی ایجاد شده است.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Patterns of Semi-Open Spaces in Vernacular Houses of Dezful, Bushehr and Bandar-e-Lenge Considering Climate Atributes

نویسنده [English]

  • Niloufar Nikghadam
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Tehran South Branch, Tehran, Iran
چکیده [English]

According to statistics, in 2009 Iran’s oil and gas consumption were 1.4 and 3.1 times higher than the world average and during 1998 to 2008 residential sector accounted for 42% of the total energy consumption in the country. As hot-humid climate is the most severe climate across the world, climatic consideration must be incorporated in design of the new dwellings in this area. Over the centuries, Climate consideration has been a fundamental principle in the design of vernacular Iranian houses, and application of these indigenous patterns in modern constructions of hot-humid region will optimize the energy consumption and result in higher rate of thermal comfort. Climatic patterns of these vernacular houses not only affect the external characteristics of the building, but are also involved with the configuration and properties of the internal spaces. This paper is introducing open and semi-open spaces patterns of Dezful, Bushehr and Bandar-e-Lenge vernacular houses using  grounded theory  parameters, In this way, it tries to clarify whether these patterns are in accordance with the climatic characteristics. This paper has applied objective to establish the patterns of semi-open spaces of  vernacular houses of  Dezful, Bushehr and Bandar-e-Lenge, so that it can be used in new-built dwellings to improve thermal comfort for building occupants in the mentioned regions. The method of analysis and resultant in this research is qualitative based and answer to questions are found by grounded theory and data gathering from chosen samples, classification, analysis and finally choosing related data and integrating them. Data gathering are conducted by use of theoretical studies and analysis of vernacular houses documents and also in-depth analysis. Results show in studied regions, open and semi-open spaces are in accordance with local climate attributes. Differences in these attributes has made differences in climatic patterns. climatic patterns of semi-open spaces in Dezful is in accordance with optimizing high temperature. theses spaces are located in south west side fronting to north east and are aligned into depth. Semi-open corridors in south west side of the courtyard operate like solar chimney to ventilate the courtyard. Climatic patterns of semi-open spaces in Bushehr port  is in accordance with using sea breezes and natural ventilation. Semi open spaces are located in north-east, north-west and south-west sides and semi open staircases are located in four corners of the courtyard. composition of semi open spaces and staircases, courtyard and the orientation of them toward air current is acting the same as a passive system of ventilation. This system works as a solar chimney when there is no breezes. Windows around the house help the ventilation system. Climatic patterns of semi-open spaces in Bushehr port  is in accordance with using sea breezes and natural ventilation and at the same time with optimizing high temperature. Corridors incorporated in these plans facilitate the air current and protect the living spaces from the sunshine and heat. The porous structure of plans is yet another unique feature of these houses, which changes heavy materials with walls of light-weighted materials which allow the air movement.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Key words: Climate
  • Functional Spaces
  • Vernacular Houses
  • Bushehr
  • Tropical

According to statistics, in 2009 Iran’s oil and gas consumption were 1.4 and 3.1 times higher than the world average and during 1998 to 2008 residential sector accounted for 42% of the total energy consumption in the country. As hot-humid climate is the most severe climate across the world, climatic consideration must be incorporated in design of the new dwellings in this area. Over the centuries, Climate consideration has been a fundamental principle in the design of vernacular Iranian houses, and application of these indigenous patterns in modern constructions of hot-humid region will optimize the energy consumption and result in higher rate of thermal comfort. Climatic patterns of these vernacular houses not only affect the external characteristics of the building, but are also involved with the configuration and properties of the internal spaces. This paper is introducing open and semi-open spaces patterns of Dezful, Bushehr and Bandar-e-Lenge vernacular houses using  grounded theory  parameters, In this way, it tries to clarify whether these patterns are in accordance with the climatic characteristics. This paper has applied objective to establish the patterns of semi-open spaces of  vernacular houses of  Dezful, Bushehr and Bandar-e-Lenge, so that it can be used in new-built dwellings to improve thermal comfort for building occupants in the mentioned regions. The method of analysis and resultant in this research is qualitative based and answer to questions are found by grounded theory and data gathering from chosen samples, classification, analysis and finally choosing related data and integrating them. Data gathering are conducted by use of theoretical studies and analysis of vernacular houses documents and also in-depth analysis. Results show in studied regions, open and semi-open spaces are in accordance with local climate attributes. Differences in these attributes has made differences in climatic patterns. climatic patterns of semi-open spaces in Dezful is in accordance with optimizing high temperature. theses spaces are located in south west side fronting to north east and are aligned into depth. Semi-open corridors in south west side of the courtyard operate like solar chimney to ventilate the courtyard. Climatic patterns of semi-open spaces in Bushehr port  is in accordance with using sea breezes and natural ventilation. Semi open spaces are located in north-east, north-west and south-west sides and semi open staircases are located in four corners of the courtyard. composition of semi open spaces and staircases, courtyard and the orientation of them toward air current is acting the same as a passive system of ventilation. This system works as a solar chimney when there is no breezes. Windows around the house help the ventilation system. Climatic patterns of semi-open spaces in Bushehr port  is in accordance with using sea breezes and natural ventilation and at the same time with optimizing high temperature. Corridors incorporated in these plans facilitate the air current and protect the living spaces from the sunshine and heat. The porous structure of plans is yet another unique feature of these houses, which changes heavy materials with walls of light-weighted materials which allow the air movement.


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