بررسی تطبیقی توسعه فضاهای پیاده بازار قدیم و خیابان پیاده تربیت شهر تبریز


1 دانشگاه تبریز، دکترا

2 دانشگاه تبریز، کارشناسی ارشد


مقاله حاضر به بررسی تطبیقی توسعه فضاهای پیاده بازار قدیم و خیابان پیاده تربیت شهر تبریز می پردازد. اهمیت این موضوع، بیشتر از آن روست که با بررسی مقایسه ای فضاهای پیاده بازار سنتی به عنوان محصول طراحی دوره گذشته و خیابان خرید پیاده تربیت به عنوان محصول طراحی دوره جدید علاوه بر شناخت محاسن و معایب موجود هریک می توان به جهت گیری های آتی در توسعه فضاهای تجاری و تفریحی کمک نمود. این مطالعه از نوع توصیفی – تحلیلی و روش نمونه گیری آن هدفمند بوده است. 244 نفر مراجعه کنندگان واجد شرایط حجم نمونه را تشکیل می دادند و ابزار گردآوری داده ها پرسشنامه بود. تحلیل اطلاعات موجود نشان داد که بر اساس نتایج آزمون tوابسته، در سطح تفاوت میانگین امتیازات مربوط به عوامل اجتماعی و اقتصادی، دسترسی و آمد و شد، عوامل کالبدی و فیزیکی فضاهای پیاده بازار قدیم با خیابان پیاده تربیت، معنی دار می باشد. به بیان دیگر با وجود این که فضاهای پیاده بازار قدیم از قدمت معماری و تاریخی خاص برخوردارند لیکن فضاهای پیاده خیابان تربیت از دید بازدیدکنندگان مقبولیت بیشتری دارند. بنابراین فضاهای مزبور (قدیم) بایستی به لحاظ برنامه ریزی و طراحی مورد بازبینی قرار گیرند و با کاهش تقابلات زمانی، عملکردهای تجاری، اجتماعی و تفریحی بافت سنتی شهر معاصر گردند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Development Compatibility of Pedestrian Spaces of Bazaar and Tarbiat Pedestrian Malls of Tabriz City

نویسندگان [English]

  • Rahmat Mohammadzadeh 1
  • Hossein Fallahnejad 2
چکیده [English]

This article is an attempt to study the development compatibility between pedestrian spaces of Bazaar and Tarbiat pedestrian malls in Tabriz. The importance of this issue is due to the subject that today following the discussions on human development and environmental conditions, pedestrian spaces have been taken into consideration by planners and designers as one of the important strategies of urban space and traffic development. Therefore, the comparative study of pedestrian spaces of traditional Bazaar as the outcome of previous era and Tarbiat shopping mall as the designing product of modern epoch can help us recognize the existing weak and strong points and the orientation of future developments in commercial and recreational spaces. It is believed that in order to attract people to the city center there is a necessitate for the provision of immune, favorable, and satisfactory pedestrian. This study is of a descriptive-analytic type and its sampling method has been goal-oriented on the base of questionnaires. The questionnaires in addition to the demographic information included the following sections: 1) social and economic conditions, 2) the access and traffic, 3) the physical situations, old spaces of pedestrians in old Bazaar and Tarbiat Street (each containing 10 questions) in point view of the respondents. The data was qualititative, quantittative, and continuos, and the scale of measurment was Lickert Spectrum, and based on the the number of research groups, it was single-group. 244 referring people who were owing the conditions of the sample size, have been selected. For the purpose of analysis, we used the descriptive statistics such as absolute and relative frequency, mean, standard deviation, and the application of conceptual statistics e.g., the T-test. The estimations were carried out using SPSS software. The T-test analysis of the present data in 95% confidence level indicates that there was a significant mean difference among the scores relating to the socio—economic variables, the access to the traffic system, the physical variables of old Bazaar pedestrian spaces with those of Tarbiat Street. If the old Bazaar is more favorbale for middle income people, Tarbiat Street is more attractive for the upper middle income people. Pedestrian spaces of the Tarbiat Street comapred to the old Bazaar will have a better future, despite the fact that old pedestrian spaces of Bazaar have architectural and historical durations. Through reaching many social and arbitrary activities of the people, they can communicate with others in addiction to their shopping and spend leisure time. Because the old Bazaar and its pedstrians act as the guiding element of the urban areas added to the social and economic identity. Thereofere, beside the correction of existing trend, and the shift from the measuem approach with the traditional Bazaar, the historical identity of such spaces should be wholly revised, so that the commercial and recreational functions of these spaces can also be taken into consideration.Thereofere, beside the correction of existing trend, and the shift from the measuem approach with the traditional Bazaar, the historical identity of such spaces should be wholly revised, so that the commercial and recreational functions of these spaces can also be taken into consideration.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Commercial Spaces
  • Comparative Study
  • Pedestrian Malls
  • Tabriz City
  • Tarbiat Street