Application of the Critical Paradigm in Understanding Spatial Injustice Around the Metropolis of Tehran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD Student of Urbanism, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran,


 Spatial justice is one of the main pillars of balanced development inside and outside the metropolis. Today an
example of spatial injustice can be seen around metropolises. This has intensified the spatial poverty traps and increased urban poverty in these places. The distribution of
spatial justice in the metropolis of Tehran is in a dynamic
relationship that is the result of a triple of power, opportunity and wealth. In such a way that by moving from the
north of Tehran to the southern and western suburbs, the
quality and quantity of welfare development indicators
are gradually reduced and the level of poverty and spatial
injustice is increased. The existing views and discourses
about these spaces have mostly taken action in the field
of lack of services and their distribution, but in practice,
they have not been able to explain the issue of urban poverty and spatial injustice in these spaces. The purpose of
this study is a critical explanation of spatial injustice and
urban poverty in the suburbs of Tehran, specifically Islamshahr and the Quds City. What factors produce and
reproduce spatial injustice and urban poverty in the city
of Islamshahr and the city of Quds? Also, recognizing the
dimensions shaping urban poverty and spatial injustice
and then identifying the structures in these spaces in order
to achieve the ultimate goal, which is to change and transform these spaces to empower their residents, is another
goal of this article. In this regard, using the critical paradigm and the method of critical discourse analysis, data
collection has been done by two methods of interview and
document analysis. Six categories of power, domination,
justice, dependency, ideology, right to the city and citizenship were explained. The result of this explanation shows
that these six categories imply different dimensions of the
concept of power, justice and political economy. Also,
the importance of the institutional political dimension of
power along with other social, economic and physical dimensions has created a shadow of spatial injustice in these
cities. As a result, in order to change and achieve spatial
justice and get rid of the spatial poverty trap, only distributive justice is not the criterion for action, but moving in
 the proportional distribution of power in the institutional
dimension can be the way forward. It was concluded that
not only the objective dimension is important, but also the
mental dimension is directly involved in this matter. The
hidden layer of power in the shadow of ideology has been
able to create spatial injustice, colonialism, domination,
dependency and so on. And in line with this article, urban
planners and managers can cover the hidden mechanisms
of urban spatial injustice and spatial poverty traps with
systematic measures and with the aim of changing the direction of movement of dimensions. This article has also
been able to bring the critical view of the objectivist view
of spatial injustice closer to subjectivism and also to examine layers such as power, political economy, ideology,
etc. in more depth.


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