Guide for Authors

Instructions To  Contributors

Articles of Journal of Fine Arts: Architectur and Urban Pelanning are open access articles and free.

 The Journal of Fine Arts: Architectur and Urban Planinng aims at publishing the results of scientific research and experiences in architecture and urban planning and design. Research and analytical papers as well as scientific reports and book reviews on architecture and urban planning  are accepted for publication after review by referees and the editorial board.

 The paper should have neither been previously published nor be under consideration elsewhere.

  The manuscript should include an abstract, introduction, literature review,  methodology,  research body covering the results, endnotes, and references. The total should not exceed 12 pages of the Journal.

  The abstract should be in both English and Farsi. It should be about 200 words in Farsi and 500 words in English, typed on  two separate  pages.

  The “introduction” should point to the research questions, objectives and a general overview of the paper.

 The  “results” section should succinctly and logically clear out the research  findings.

 The guidance and contributions of others can by acknowledged briefly in a separate section.

  The endnotes should be numbered and included before the references.

  Citations should follow the international convention as follows:


     (a) Author`s name, date, and page should be referenced in parenthesis, following the related text.

    (b) If the paper is in Farsi but the literature cited is in Latin, The above information should be in Farsi and the Latin equivalent can be included in the footnote on the same page.

  Full references should be included at the end of the paper in alphabetical order.

 References should follow the following style:

    • Articles: Author (s)( year of publication), full article title, journal`s name, volume, number, Pages.


    • Books: Author (s)( year of publication), book title, translator, Publisher and  location.

 The first page should include Author`s  full name, title and affiliation, Address, telephone, Fax, and E-mail. Also, if the paper is based on a grant or a student thesis, it should be noted accordingly on the first page. The second page should  begin with the paper’s title, abstract, and keywords. Note that the title should be short, succinct, and relevant to the text.

  ‘Keywords’  should include between four to six major words relevant to the article.

  The number of figures, graphs, and tables should be minimal. Each should be numbered and noted on the backside using a pencil.

  If the paper has more than one author,  one must be represented as the author correspandin. 

  Manuscripts, not following the above guidelines, will be returned to the author(s).

 Short scientific notes  regarding research projects  or art-related  reports should not exceed 500 words.

All text should be presented in four printed and one digital copies, typed on A4 paper in Word format. The text and the cover letter  to the Journal’s editor should be sent to:

The editor, Journal of  Fine Arts: Architecrure and Urban Planning

                            College of Fine Arts


                              University of Tehran


                            Tehran,  Islamic Republic of Iran.

 The editorial board reserve  the right to accept or reject any article after reviewed  by referees.

  The sole responsibility for views and statements expressed in the article remains with the author(s).

 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be published elsewhere without the Journal of Fine Arts: Architecture and Urban Planinng permission.