Interpretation of Mashhad concept, and its relation to Nine-Domes Shabestan (Case study: Haji Piyada Mashhad of Blakh)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. candidate in architecture, Faculty of Architecture & Urban Design, Art university of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor in architecture, school of architecture, college of fine arts, university of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Master candidate in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape design, Landscape Architecture group, Campus of Piacenza, politecnico di Milano, Piacenza, Italy


Tomb making is common in many cultures. Making of these tombs in each nation are unique based on their religions, rituals and traditions. This issue comes across a term called Mashhad that is sometimes referred to as a tomb and in other cases as a memorial. This article examines the issue in two parts: Theoretical research and Case-study. The first section deals with recognizing the content of Mashhad and examining its formal paradigm and examine issue based on the description of Robert Hillenbrand who regards Mashhad has both distinct paradigm: types of domes and nine domes. The focus of this research is to study the paradigm of nine domes shabestan and its relationship with Mashhad. The second part of this paper examines Haji Piyada mosque as a case study with a similar pattern. As well as function and examine the various theories surrounding this building based on historical analysis as a narration. The purpose of this study is explanation of structural-functional concepts of Mashhad and its relation to the Nine-Domes Shabestan. The research method is Interpretive-historical method and case study review. This article schemed three questions: 1) Functionally, what concepts of Mashhad application can be read? 2) What is the relation of the Nine-domes Shabestan and the concept of Mashhad, in addition its evolution and continuity? 3) As a case study: According to the historical-interpretation of Mashhad Haji Piyada Balkh, what is the relation of its Nine-Domes Shabestan to the concept of Mashhad?

The results show that Mashhad not only is not just a tomb, but also it is a symbol and monument. As in many cases the symbolism is preceded of its pilgrimage feature. As well as many cases it is associated with nine domes shabestan. In this research two analyzes had exegesis: The first analysis refers to examples that from the beginning was idea plan for creating Mashhad and the second analysis refers to examples that for a variety of reasons, such as miracles and traditions in addition to their sacred existence, which generally includes a blessed building like a mosque, have added another aspect which is generally a symbolic approach. Each of these species find meaning based on three distinct forms. 1) Mashhad, as a tomb to commemorate 2) Mashhad as a monument to promote political status 3) Mashhad, as a symbol for readout an event. Investigations on Mashhad of Balkh Haji Piyada show that this building is one of the earliest examples which it has nine domes paradigm and multiple themes. This paradigm is influenced by an Iranian theme and undoubtedly, due to its native and environmental influences and the architect's taste and experience, it has undergone its own changes. Mashhad of Balkh Haji Piyada has three periods of development that Mashhad's approach was likely in all three periods. The first period that the Barmak governor had a political-memorial idea, in the next time that tomb attaches building and eventually, as well as the people who were in this place for the sanctity performed Ihram and pilgrimage.


Main Subjects

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