The Typology of the Spatial Structure of the Contemporary Iranian Homes Relying on Confidentiality and Hierarchy Case study: homes between 1970's to 2000's in Tehran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 tarbiat modares university

2 tabiatmodares university


Home architecture, should be a live, coherent, sustainable and comfortable one. These are qualitative descriptions and needed to be changed to patterns. A pattern is a mix of an event and a space. Culture creates life style events. Therefore, the home architecture contains patterns for space connections in it. These patterns are studied with the space syntax method. In this method, home plans change to graphs. Space syntax method has shortages, in which space details as well as views, space dimensions and interior details are not shown. In this study, these shortages are removed and do not effect results, because cultural patterns like confidentiality and hierarchy are shown in graphs by nodes and spaces. These two indices do not depend on method shortages, so this method has reliability and validity. Cultural patterns are removed from contemporary homes, so they become similar to each other in cities all over the world. Iranian homes lost cultural values like other ones. The main question is that, which cultural indices effect on home and how they changed during the time. The aim of this research is Extracting a home space connection pattern for Iranian contemporary homes according to culture. The present research studies Iranian home typology over past 30 years (from 1970 to 2000) using space syntax method. These studies are based on cultural pattern studies. A Delphi method used for identifying more effective patterns. It is a research tool for identifying issues for decision making in information systems. In this research, Delphi multi-round survey procedure is used twice. At first six experiences were asked for more effective cultural patterns on space connections of home. They confirmed that five indexes contain confidentiality, hierarchy, security, identity, home Interactions with family and home Interactions with nature have more effect on space connections. For the next time, they selected two from five indices. Results show that hierarchy and confidentiality are the most effective indices on space connections. There are different ways for identifying confidentiality and hierarchy. For example adding nodes before entrances shows more confidentiality and hierarchy. However, for home, two ways show more confidentiality and hierarchy. A graph having a node or an interface space after entrance has confidentiality index. A home with confidentiality pattern has entrance with view control and access. A graph having a node before bedrooms and livings. A home with hierarchy has more than three spaces or nods between entrance and bedrooms. Plans from 381 homes from different districts collected and changed to graphs. Homes were random selected in order to economy and residential rules, do not affects results. From each decade, prevalent pattern, Dominant pattern and optimized pattern graph is detected. According to these graphs, during 1970-1980, hall was the main space after entrance. After that during last two decades, hall space deleted from plans. Nods before entrance and bedrooms increased. A node before W.C. spaces is confirmed. W.C. space is always located beside bedrooms or near entrance by adding a node. Homes during last three decades have more confidentiality and hierarchy.


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