Comparative study from the plan and section of Ardabil`s Jome mosque with similar plans and domes in order to drawing original dome`s curve

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Architecture Department,University College of Fine Arts,University of Tehran,Tehran,Iran

2 Architecture Department, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

3 Architecture Department,Pardisan Higher Education Institute,Fereydunkenar,Iran


Historic events during of building`s existence, can trace many damages on their skeleton and content. During more than a thousand years, many parts of Ardabil`s Jome mosque has disappeared due to human and natural factors. Demolition of mansion`s dome than built in Eilkhani period, is a physical and visual main damage. Ardabil`s Jome mosque has built on ancient base. First mosque in Islamic primary centers, has constructed into harem than today, some parts of his columns has reconnaissance in archeological excavations. In Saljouqi period (fifth century), dome`s plan and narthex has built on part of first mosque`s harem. Through Mongolian aggression, the dome and vault of Ivan were collapsed and reconstruction of dome was happen in second half of seventh century and methinks that vault of Ivan does not reconstruction within Qajar period that wooden ceiling with 8 column push the space of Ivan. In Eilkhani period west harem has built upon of old harem too, that evidently its use was not the mosque. In ninth century this harem and other parts of mosque used for capitol but the new construct in the mosque was not happen. This event has recurred in Safavi period too and synchronously importance of the complex decreased insofar as change to cemetery. Practically can say that demolition of dome occurred in twelfth century and it never reconstructed. In recently years Jome mosque has repaired. Consolidation and concrete injection in bottom of foundation was happen. Finally, new dome with iron structure and irrelative arc has built and stand up to dome`s plan. Though, achievement to circumstance of form and skeleton from lost parts, generally vindicate by adduce to historic evidences, olden context, ancient predications and pictures, oral traditions and finally Ardabil`s Jome mosque`s comparative study with contemporary and conspecific buildings. Understanding the curved shape of its collapsed dome is critical in order to build a new dome that based on main lines of dome`s curve in the restoration process. Also without accurate knowledge of its architectural attributes, it is almost impossible to appreciate the Jome mosque as one of the oldest and most influential mosques of Iran, and how it has been influenced by prior buildings and has impacted the architecture of subsequent buildings. This study aims to find and redesign the curve of the Ardabil`s Jome mosque`s dome by researching similar plans and sections with a fundamental approach. It utilizes an analytical – comparative methodology with grounded theory manner. Essence of this research is quality and quantity. First, data will be collected from library sources and through undertaking a field study. Then, a comparative study of 20 similar buildings built during 100 years before and after the time Jome mosque was built will be conducted. Finally, based on various characteristics such as type of plan, cornering, decoration, shape of the dome`s ring, type of lighting, and proportions of dome`s plan, the most similar buildings to Jome mosque will be determined and the curve of the their dome will be simulated on Jome mosque to find its dome`s original Eilkhani form.


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