Analyzing the Effect of Railway as Industrial Heritage in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 the Academic Member, Faculty of Art, University of Semnan, Semnan, Iran.

2 Professor, School of Architecture, College of fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran


This research studies how the industry in Iran emerged under the influence of industrial revolution and it tries to determine, by exploring the history and process of new industries’ formation within 19th and 20th centuries, the valuable role of these structures, particularly railway as an integral part of the historical memory of this land. As part of heritage, railway and its values underlie forming other development forms in country. Introducing efforts and referring to governments and individuals that played a fundamental role in national railway during this period, this paper intends to introduce railway’s engineering and architectural values along cultural-historical significance as a part of national industrial memory. Among symbols of industrials Communities at the beginning of the era of the Industrial Revolution can be development of communication networks which play an essential role in Influence and goals, as well as reduce production costs and improvement of the socio-economic and political influence in the process of progress and development. The most important factors affecting transportation, formation and development of the railway network as the engine revolution can be cited. Nowadays, through the industrial revolution and change of means of production and the rapid growth of new technologies and the production of many industrial past have been metamorphosed and changed. The past plants function has lost its role in the community and the destruction of the outcome of that era has faced a lot of changes. . This leads to the formation of the new definitions of cultural heritage and the recognition of the history and culture during the presence of the machines under concepts such as industrial and modern heritage. Among the most prominent signs of industrialization in Iran the formation and establishment of railways can be cited. As regards of the difficult history of thinking and construction of railway lines that lasted from the middle of the Qajar to the Pahlavi and played a main role in the development of economic-political history of the country and the world; Understanding and familiarity with the areas and its formation and its initial recognition and the introduction of a historical and cultural elements of architecture that is the national values and heritage. The study in this part identifies the country's industry, presence of effects, equipment and historical facilities that are directly or indirectly associated with the categories and the need to pay attention and efforts to preserve and present the historical memory and Technology and recognition wealth unknown in this field is highlighted. It is recommended to introduce inherent and global values of railway industrial heritage by adopting flexible strategies and protection methods in accordance with environmental conditions and national development programs; further, it is also suggested to make protection efforts by creating specialized railway museum and tourism areas along historical line ways such as Tehran-North road and like. Finally, using documents and images presented in the form of tables Examples of valuable works of historic railways index fields to provide greater recognition and attention to preserving cultural landscape and these works.


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