Stating the Model of Identity of Place-Sense of Place and Surveying its Constituents* Case Study: Pedestrian Passage of Shahre Rey

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M. A. in Urban Design, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Research Center of Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Tehran, Iran


One of seminal factors on urban life quality is attention to place as an inclined ensemble and attention to identity of place as a basic to know a particular place into unique entity. Identity of place originates from individual and public values and beliefs, and gets depth, spread and change by passing time. Physical attributes, activities and meanings are inchoate elements of identity of places. There is another aspect of identity of place named Genus Loci or sense of place that is less perceptible than others. Sense of place is not inside of those elements even it is formed from mutual relation between human and them. Now there are some questions: how is the relationship between identity of place and sense of place? And how we can achieve a unique identified place? Considering this research, to answer first question, we can equate identity of place with "our" sense of place; and to answer second question, we find that identity of place is not a self-styled matter. It is formed by people step by step and during time. But first of all we should do essential implementations in line with achieving identity of place through. Physical setting, activity and meaning as components of it. Those measurements are: 1- Assessing current conditions based on built meanings in human mind with human sense of place. For example in this level, we assess relation between human and physical setting of place. The aim of this assessment is comprehension of points of users concerning different physical elements of place. Advantages of those points of view indicate existing common, prominent and clear bodies in terms of users and then exercising existent elements and designing based on them. 2- Designing of physical setting, activity and meaning based on done assessment of conditions. In this level, based on done assessment of current conditions and perception of main effective elements on identity of place, we strengthen these elements in relation to kind of correlation between human and place. 3- User planning and participating over time. Userplanning and participating over time is requisite to achieve identity of place for sustainability and durability. 4- Achieving identity of place over time. Based on these four measurements, constituent elements of identity of place are human, place, sense of place (physical setting, activity and meaning), participation, planning and time. Achieving procedure to identity of place, by above elements, is: At first we consider existence of human and place, and making human-human and human-place relationship that organize sense of place. Then constituent elements of identity of place including physical setting, activity and meaning are made by human and his planning and participating over time and finally place will be received its own unique identity. At the first, this article surveys related contentions and thoughts in order to recovery and detection role of each constituent of identity and sense of place, base on reviewing related literature. Then, we introduce a novel model of constituents and formation process of identity of place, and after that, experiment this model in case study.


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