An Examination of the Differences Between the Concepts of “Sample” and “Case” and Their Relationship with “Design Research” in Landscape Architecture

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate of Architecture, Department of Architecture, School of Architecture, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, School of Architecture, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, School of Architecture, Art University of Iran, Tehran, Iran.


 This research project investigates the design features of houses
constructed using 3D printing technology. By employing a case
study research method, this study seeks to conduct an in-depth
examination of the architectural attributes, construction processes,
and potential benefits of 3D-printed houses. The spread of largescale computer-aided manufacturing technologies is significantly
transforming architectural design. Digital fabrication is propelling
architecture into a new phase of complexity and detail previously
unachievable through conventional manufacturing methods.
Understanding the impact of these technologies can help guide
future research, drive innovation in design and manufacturing
processes, and improve the training of professionals. However,
there is a scarcity of comprehensive reviews providing a holistic
view of the impacts of 3D printing technologies on architecture.
This article offers a systematic review of 3D-printed samples
in architectural design and construction. This research adopts
the case study method and employs a combined methodology.
In the quantitative component of the research, numerical data
were gathered, and in the qualitative component, the appearance,
structural characteristics, and functional aspects of buildings
were examined using case studies and analyzing the texts of
related resources. To explain the principles of designing houses
built with 3D printers, examples of houses constructed using 3D
printing technology worldwide were identified and categorized.
Items examined for each sample were described, and the samples
were evaluated based on defined criteria to outline the basics of
designing housing constructed with 3D printing technology. The
study focuses on innovative design features, emphasizing the
potential for 3D printing to provide sustainable housing solutions.
Architectural attributes of 3D-printed homes are analyzed for
their unique aesthetic and functional characteristics, highlighting
how 3D printing can address housing shortages and affordability
issues. The findings indicate that concrete and the gantry printer
system are the most commonly used materials and printer types
in this technology. Compared to traditional construction methods,
especially for non-linear forms, 3D printing significantly
reduces construction time. Manual reinforcement with rebar
or the addition of materials to concrete is a prevalent practice.
Elongated rectangular plans are better suited for two-way
printers, while three-branch and radial plans are more suitable for
  robotic arm printers. Due to current limitations in 3D printing for
roof construction, roofs are often still made using conventional
methods. For layout expansion and complex designs, checkedlinear layouts are more commonly used than radial layouts.
Robotic arms allow for greater flexibility, enabling more diverse
layouts and freer forms. However, for cost-efficient projects,
gantry systems and linear layouts are often recommended.


Main Subjects

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