رهیافتی حاصل از شناخت شهر سنتی به منظور ارائه الگوی مداخله در بافت (مطالعه موردی: اردبیل)


1 دانشگاه تهران، دکترا

2 دانشگاه تهران، کارشناس ارشد


مقاله حاضر با هدف دستیابی به الگویی مناسب جهت مداخله در بافت های تاریخی، به مطالعه موردی در زمینه شهر اردبیل پرداخته است. تحقیق حاضر بدلیل تأثیر شناخت تاریخی و کالبدی شهر در ارائه طرح، در بخش های آغازین به بررسی حوادث تاریخی، رشد، گسترش و تحولات شهر در دوران های گوناگون می‌پردازد. سپس برای معرفی عناصر تأثیرگذار در طراحی بافت کهن به تحلیل ساختار کهن محلات و شناسایی نقاط مهم بافت با توجه به تعاملات اجتماعی ـ فرهنگی مردم پرداخته و در ادامه معرفی طرح، در قالب پیشینه، اهداف، فرایند برنامه‌ریزی و طراحی انجام گرفته است. دستاوردهای این پروژه، شامل دستیابی به فضایی در خور تعاملات بشری امروز با حفظ استخوانبندی ارزشمند بافت و خلق فضاهای شهری با توجه به بروز جلوه‌هایی از آداب و سنن اصیل مردم در آنها و ارائه الگوها و ضوابط مشخص طراحی در بافت کهن می‌باشد. در این پژوهش علاوه بر مطالعات کتابخانه‌ای و بررسی سفرنامه‌ها و نقشه‌ها، برداشت های میدانی نیز انجام گرفته است که در مقاله ارائه می گردد. مقاله پیش‌روی درصدد ارائه نمونه‌ای برای طراحی و مدیریت در بافت های کهن مشابه می‌باشد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

A Solution for Desigining the Interventions in Historical Areas Based on Studying the Historical)Case study :Ardebil )

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mojtaba Rezazadeh Ardebili 1
  • Leila Peiyghami 2
چکیده [English]

with the purpose of presenting a design approach of interventions for conservation of historic districts of cities, the city of Ardebil is discussed as a case study. With the complexity of cultural relations in the contemporary world, it has a great importance to protect human connections and also urban historic spaces in which these cultural relations had been presented for long time. The city of Ardebil has attracted attentions since past centuries because of having historic records, being important regarding its functional-structural urban changes and also being connected to a specific religious thought (Shia branch of Islam).As the oldest evidence the name of the city was found on 5000 years old Sumerian clay tablets as “Erta” which means sacred and the relation of the city with “Kianian” era shows its mythological history. By studying the historic-structural changes of the city, it is concluded that during Safavid era, Ardebil had reached to its maximum civil growth and it was a monolithic and coherent body. The main part of the city structure was bazaar with its central location and its south-west to north-east direction. This bazaar connects two poles of the old city (“Sheikh Safi” sanctuary and “Jome Masjed” hill) and regarding the social and structural characteristics of each area the passages starting from this backbone leads to district centers and also minor districts. In the city of Ardebil traditional ceremonies and mournings have a long history and among all of them the mourning of the month “Moharram” is too important for the habitants. By studying the paths of mourning groups specially in main districts it is possible ti find out the pedestrian walkways of the old city which are obvious in the mournings even now that the district system has changed and this fact is a good instance of the effects of social behavior on the structure of city spaces. But by the construction of modern streets, the solidarity of city spaces, bazaar and the districts was lost. This unbalance which was caused by ignoring the right place of important spaces like squares, bazaar and etc and also disappearing of the district system made authorities to find a solution by studying the wrong way of past and trying to preserve and restore the old city. Finally the goal of the design process for old city of Ardebil was proposed in 3 steps: Reconstruct the old structure of the city from“Jome Masjed” hill to “Sheikh Safi” sanctuary along the bazaar.2) Restore the districts by emphasis on the old system of district centers.3) Presenting laws and manuals to achieve a harmonious urban view in old districts.The model suggested in this paper can present appropriate solutions for the design process like: trying to preserve the old structure of the cities and equip them with technologies of the new life; creating urban spaces which can be accepted by habitant and are suitable for traditional events of sorrow or happiness; paying attention to the history and character of architectural monuments of the old districts and trying to preserve and restore them in an accepted way; identifying and using the results of old communication system; presenting architectural and urban laws which guarantee the construction of the designs.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Ardebil
  • Bazaar
  • center of district
  • design fo historical
  • mosque Joma hill
  • Sanctuary of "Sheikh Safi"